Teachers - Ancient World Overview

  • Ancient World Overview

    ancientWelcome to Walk Through the Ancient World™! This program is designed to allow your students to actively participate in a rich retelling of ancient history.  Through storytelling, games, and drama, history will come alive!  We appreciate all you do in the classroom and share with you in the value of education for each student.  Thank you for your tireless efforts extended every day in teaching America’s youth.

    Discover Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome through an imaginary tour of the ancient civilizations. Students portray historical people of the past, such as Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, and Socrates. Students broaden their understanding with maps, timelines, and games. This program brings these times alive for students. Creative expression, notetaking, vocabulary development are fostered and encouraged. This program provides an excellent overview that can be used as an essential point of reference throughout the school year.

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